Saturday, October 9, 2010

Stone Soup

The purpose of Stone Soup is to bring people together to create something extraordinary. In the book Stone Soup, the characters are suppose to make soup out of stone, but in the process of making it, everyone add in something to make it better, in which the result was not a disappointment. We made our own stone soup just that it’s not actually soup, but we utilize the idea and use crafts and are materials to create an art piece. Everyone brought something from home to be used in the process of Stone Soup. Our group decided that we will make an abstract tree on a light pole. We start out with the trunk and continue to ad branches and design to make it look more abstract and unique from a regular tree. 
 Everyone working together

The branches were made from cardboard and rubber bike tires, while the leaves are bows and papers. What makes the abstract tree extraordinary was the small box covering the trunk of the tree.  That gave us a new name and explanation of the tree. We called it the Tree out of the Box and when you look at the box it is very small and out of proportion for the huge tree. Our explanation for that is, something big and extraordinary can come out of something really small, presenting the idea of the quote, “Big things, comes in small packages.”
my bow made out of someone's jean.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Candy Design

When you look at candy, do you ever wonder, why does it look like that? Why is it design in that way? Candies come in many shapes and sizes and in many colors. They are design in various ways that will attract the customers’ attention. For example, I just bought a bag of Gummi Candy Trolli Sour Brite Crawler Eggs from a convenient store. The reason why I bought it was because of the design of the candy. They are in small egg shapes, colorful and small bite size. Or some people may describe it as “cute”. It’s less complicated than eating a gummy warm. If you want to eat a gummy warm but want to take just one bite off of it, you still have to hold on to the other half. As for the Crawler eggs, you just have to pop one or two in your mouth without dirtying your fingers or hands; it is less of a hassle.